#SupportMe aims to raise the professional profile of “La Tartaruga” staff and share with the European community a methodology focused on promoting the psychological, physical and social well-being of children and youth with sensory, motor and cognitive disabilities, including severe ones.
La Tartaruga Onlus aims to undertake a process of internationalization of its activities by giving its staff the opportunity to participate in transnational mobility in Spain and Poland where internal staff partecipate in structured courses and job shadowing activities abroad to learn new methodologies for nonformal inclusion, fundrasing and dissemination techniques, improve transversal skills as language communication, ICT skills and management tools.
Our Role Fundacja Pedra provided a training course for La Tartaruga Onlus internal staff about project management tools, competences and methodologies to successfully create international cooperation network. In addition, Fundacja Pedra staff leaded a English Language course to empower staff in communication skills, medium and advanced level.