The cultural association Bottega No-Made was founded in the spring of 2015 to promote culture and the arts in the town of Tempio Pausania, in northern Sardinia. We have a strong dedication to blending art, culture, and environmental advocacy. Their various projects not only provide a platform for community engagement but also contribute to raising environmental awareness. They host outdoor art festivals powered by renewable energy sources, emphasizing environmental protection. Through art exhibitions and a sustainable art competition using recycled or organic materials, they convey a vital message about environmental responsibility. Additionally, their focus on inclusivity through theater and educational projects reflects a holistic approach to societal development. Our efforts play a crucial role in both cultural enrichment and promoting a sustainable and inclusive community environment. Moreover, Bottega NoMade is committed to promoting education among youth in rural areas. Thanks to the continuous innovation of its projects, Bottega NoMade holds a significant position in promoting a culturally rich and environmentally conscious society.