Entrepreneural Uskilling and Financial Education for Gender Empowerment

project code



fROM 01-01-2023 TO 31-12-2023


erasmus +

EUFEGE project aims to successfully fight gender discrimination in the entrepreneurial sector and raise awareness of the latter through financial education. Through financial education a process of empowerment will be initiated to support women entrepreneurs. The target group is designed to be inclusive because the project covers thosewho have already become established entrepreneurs, but also individuals who are at the beginning of the process and have the goal of pursuing the entrepreneurial path. The applicant organization intends to create effects and possibilities for the local network, but also with the goal of contributing to the international network in the area of sustainability publicity, financial and social improvement without gender discrimination at any level.

Fundacja Pedra will provide a training course for Absentia internal staff about financial literacy concepts applied to project management in the field of the program Erasmus+. In addition, Fundacja Pedra staff will lead a English Language course to empower staff in communication skills, with a special focus on technical vocabulary of financial literacy.

Fundacja Pedra

Project Partner


Project Coordinator


Project Partner