The Red Flag project is driven by the common priority of promoting civic values and engaging communities to combat and eradicate critical social issues, such as gender violence and abuse. The shared objective of the partnership is to fight against abuse and gender-based violence, which directly results in the loss of both physical and mental well-being, leading to situations of social exclusion and discrimination.
The project’s idea is to raise awareness and train young people to avoid overlooking or normalizing warning signs in relationships, which can have severe psychological and physical consequences. To achieve this ambitious goal, the project will involve school staff, social organization operators, and young people in a process of growth, skill acquisition, and the use of specific tools. The approach combines the existing expertise of operators with non-formal education (NFE) techniques to create a specific pedagogical method. Additionally, the project aims to raise awareness about the psychological dimensions of the issue and promote the inclusion of victims.
Project Objectives
– Combat abuse and gender-based violence by promoting civic values and involving communities
– Empower school staff, social operators, and young women aged 12-20 to recognize and address warning signs (Red Flags) in relationships
– Raise awareness about the psychological impact of toxic relationships and promote the inclusion of victims
Planned Activities
– Study Visit, hosted in Sassari in March 2024 by Porta Aperta Onlus, we have seen daily work of Porta Aperta staff with victims of violence, with the goal to develop a new approach based on pedagogical methods and NFE techniques.
– Red Flag Training Course, a 7-day training program to test the effectiveness of the Red Flag tools with expert operators working directly with at-risk young women.
– Local Red Flag Phase, local activities organized in collaboration with schools and community organizations to test and promote the project results, raise awareness, and engage at-risk young women.
Project Results
– Red Flag Guide a guide for operators working with young people (schools, centers, etc.), containing theoretical insights and practical actions to recognize and address abuse, including support pathways.
– Red Flag Web Platform an interactive digital tool to assess potentially toxic relationships through a question-and-answer interaction with the Red Flag Avatar. The platform will also host the guide and a questionnaire.
– Local Red Flag Activities, organized in collaboration with schools and local organizations to test and promote project results, raise awareness, and reach young women at risk of exclusion.
Project Partner
Project Partner
Project Coordinator
Project Partner