The project Together Against CyberBullying (TAC) aims to empower youth workers to contrast hatespeech and cyberbulling towards more inclusive behaviours. The new methods and tools acquired through TAC will support them in conducting educational activities and awareness campaigns for peers, as well as creating awareness and support initiatives in their communities. TAC identifies youth empowerment as deliver a wider range of activities to engage young people, such as educational activities, capacity building workshops on contrast to hate speech and cyberbullying, and social inclusion.
La Tartaruga Onlus aims to undertake a process of internationalization of its activities by giving its staff the opportunity to participate in transnational mobility in Spain and Poland where internal staff partecipate in structured courses and job shadowing activities abroad to learn new methodologies for nonformal inclusion, fundrasing and dissemination techniques, improve transversal skills as language communication, ICT skills and management tools.
Activities Implemented
– STOP THE HATE – Training Course in Valencia
– TAC Social Campaign #SocialMediaforGood
Project Outcomes
– To give and share inputs and tools to be used to implement non-formal and informal activities aim at reaching out to marginalized young people, such as victims of bullying and perpetrators.
– To promote the values of equity, social cohesion and active citizenship among participants as fundamental values of the Youth Sector Strategy 2030.
– To equip youth workers with competencies and methods needed for transferring common European fundamental values, such as tolerance, intercultural dialogue, equality and respect to the policy system where they will operate and especially to young people as a tool to prevent their violent radicalization.
– To provide concrete and equal opportunity for young workers in the field of education as a trigger to first encourage young people to actively participate in society (EU Youth Strategy) then to properly adapt it to their professional needs.
Project Partner
Project Coordinator
Project Partner
Project Coordinator
Project Partner